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Snowkiting: kitesurfing on snow

Snowkiting - more exciting than snowboarding -


Are you a bit fed up with snowboarding and want something a bit more exciting? Then maybe snowkiting is for you: kitesurfing, but on your snowboard in the snow.

Kitesurfing on winter sports

In seaside regions, kitesurfing is familiar: letting yourself be pulled along on a board by a gigantic kite. If there is enough wind, you can go really fast and perform all kinds of tricks on the waves. Lots of water and wind make kitesurfing very popular. If the wind blows a bit, you see kitesurfers on the waves along the coast and wherever there is water. And now you can also take your hobby on winter sports.


Snowkiting is basically the same thing: you have a kite and a (snow)board, or if you prefer: skis. If the wind is strong enough, the kite pulls you along. Of course, it is not convenient if you are pulled off the slope, which is why you won't see many snowkiters on the slopes. If you have your own kitesurfing kite, then switching to snowkiting is very easy. But do check with a local ski school or tourist office at your destination where the best place to set up your kite is.

Snowkiting is often even faster than kitesurfing. This is because the gliding force on snow is greater than on water. The jumps are also often more spectacular. Using a ramp, jumps of 50 metres are not uncommon.

However, the risk of breaking is greater: snow and ice are a lot harder than water. Therefore, when snowkiting, always wear protectors and a helmet. And of course it can't hurt to first take lessons at a ski school that offers snowkiting.