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10 essential items for your hiking backpack

10 essential items for your hiking backpack -

Well prepared for the road

If you are going hiking in the mountains, it is advisable to take a hiking backpack with you, containing some useful items for the road. You are often a long way from the 'normal' inhabited world, so certain items are important to take with you. Check out the most important things to pack for a mountain hike here.

  1. Water and/or drinks The most important thing is to take drinks with you. Especially if you are going on a long trek. There are often mountain huts along the way where you can get something to eat and drink, but it is nice to bring your own. Especially on a hot, summer day. Tip: Emotion bottles from RomerQuelle, very refreshing and low in calories. And for the kids Dreh und Trink .
  2. Rain jacket The weather in the mountains can change in an instant. Even if it looks like it will stay sunny all day, it is still wise to bring a rain coat, a waterproof vest or a simple poncho. Better to be well prepared than to have to walk for hours in the rain with wet cloths.
  3. Extra vest or sweater Many people forget that it is a lot cooler on top of the mountain than in the valley. It can be 25 degrees down below and only 8 at the top. Therefore, bring an extra jumper or cardigan that you can quickly put on.
  4. Clean socks Especially in summer, hiking boots can be very hot. And if your feet are sweaty you are more likely to get blisters. So take clean socks with you. This will prevent blisters and it can be nice to put on some fresh socks.
  5. Sunscreen and sunglasses In summer as well as in winter it is always a good idea to bring sunscreen. Being in the mountains, you are closer to the sun and burn faster. In winter, you also have reflection from the snow, which makes you burn even twice as fast. In addition, it is wise to protect your eyes. Therefore, if you can, take polarised sunglasses with you. These can be bought for less than 20 euros at Billa, among other places.
  6. Hiking map Whether you are going to follow a route, or you go into the mountains on spec, a hiking map of the area is very handy to have. Imagine that your mobile phone battery runs out, or you have no coverage (not unlikely among all the high mountains) then it is nice to have a map to fall back on, should you get lost.
  7. Recharged phone and powerbank A phone is indispensable these days. For taking photos, for example, or to look up a trail, follow a geocache route or just to have with you in case you get lost. Don't forget to recharge in advance. And take a charged power bank with you. Especially if you use apps to orientate, your smartphone will empty very quickly.
  8. Photo camera Photos are so nice to look back on after a nice holiday. You can use your mobile phone to take photos, but it often only allows a limited zoom. That is why a camera is often handy to take with you.
  9. Something to eat Even if you like to eat something along the way at an alm or a restaurant, it is still wise to take something like an energy or granola bar for the road. You often use more energy than you think and it is nice to have something to eat if you feel faint.
  10. Plasters Always nice to have with you. For when your child falls and scrapes the knee, or when you get blisters. In my experience, an indispensable item for your hiking rucksack.

Finally, some general hiking tips:

  • Notify that you are leaving. Always indicate to your lodgings that you are going for a walk and where. Should you not return in the evening, someone will always know where you are. Sounds a bit dramatic, but again, better to be well prepared than sorry afterwards.
  • Hiking boots on. How often you see people in flip-flops or sandals in the mountains. I once saw a lady walking in sky-high stiletto heels. Hiking boots are there for a reason. They give you grip on steeper descents and ascending trails and they give support around your ankles to name just a few benefits. Don't forget to provide your children with hiking boots too. These days, inexpensive ones are available at Decathlon.
  • Take a hiking backpack with you. A hiking backpack is more comfortable than a regular one. There is often reinforcement at the back so you don't get annoying friction against your back from the stuff in your bag. The straps are a bit thicker and therefore more comfortable. And some hiking backpacks have a water bag with a hose, so you don't have to stop to get a bottle out, but can sip water while walking.