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First time on winter sports

First time on winter sports?

Tips for first-time winter sports enthusiasts

If you are going on your first winter sports trip, there are a number of things to consider. Bergundbahn has conveniently listed them for you.


 4. Take sunscreen with you

Because you are high up on the mountain, you are closer to the sun. That alone makes it wise to protect your skin, but the sun's rays are also reflected by the snow. As a result, you have twice as much sun on your skin as if you were walking through the city in summer. Therefore, don't forget to put on good ski goggles or really good sunglasses. You don't want to end up unable to continue skiing halfway down the slopes because you are blinded by the sun's rays on the snow.


3. Buy warm, water-resistant and flexible skiwear

Staying warm is especially important on the slopes, but also remember that it is a sport, so you will in all likelihood sweat. Therefore, wear a cotton underlayer under your waterproof, padded winter jacket and ski trousers. This will absorb the sweat from your body.


2. Hire ski equipment

If this is your first skiing holiday, you obviously don't know whether you will enjoy it enough to do it again next year. That is why it is wise to hire your ski or snowboard equipment first. A professional rental company will know exactly what you need and how it should fit.  


1. Go on ski gym or take lessons at an indoor ski slope

Several gyms and ski clubs offer the possibility to prepare your body for winter sports. This way, you can avoid unnecessary injuries. If you think that is a bit excessive, there are plenty of exercises on YouTube or online to get your muscles somewhat used to the tough sport. Or buy a cross trainer, which allows you to train all the muscles you need when you go on winter sports. And a side benefit; after winter sports you can use it to stay in shape :).