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Eating in a cable car

Eating in a cable car? -

Dinner above a deep abyss

How about a sumptuous breakfast, lunch or dinner high above a city or floating above a deep abyss?  A cable car as a means of transport to get from A to B is something we are all familiar with. In winter, we want to get up the mountain as quickly as possible and then ski back down. We see a gondola as purely functional. But why not make the most of the amazing views? A cable car flies over the most beautiful spots and gives you fantastic views. You can only see this view from the air. 

There are currently a number of cable cars in which you can either have breakfast or lunch or enjoy dinner in the evening. The following cable cars give you this opportunity.

Ettelsberg Seilbahn - Willingen - Germany

During the so-called Willinger Schlendertagen, a culinary festival that aims to show that there is more possible in Willingen than skiing and hiking, it is possible to dine in a gondola of the Ettelsberg Seilbahn. 

5-course dinner in a gondola

At the valley station, you will be greeted and taken to your table. This table is neatly set and is located in a gondola. There is room for 4 people per gondola. Each time the gondola passes through the valley station, a new course is served. A round trip to the mountain station and back takes about 20 minutes. During the first round, you still look a little startled when the glasses tap against each other as the gondola passes a support but once the main menu is served, you won't notice this at all. 

When: During the Willinger Schlendertagen in spring. In addition, groups can book all year round on request. 

More information about dining at the Ettelsberg Seilbahn

Schönjochbahn - Fiss - Austria

In the Genussgondel from the Schönjochbahn in Fiss, you can enjoy a 5-star breakfast or a 6-star lunch during the summer months. The gondolas are cosy and very luxurious. 

The 5-star breakfast

The Genussgondel breakfast starts at the top in the BergDiamant panorama restaurant. Here you will be welcomed and given a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. Then you board the breakfast gondola where a bottle of sekt is waiting for you. During 2 rounds, you will be served delicious food such as a variety of sausage and cheese, salmon etc. Finally, something sweet is waiting for you in the BergDiamant restaurant. All in all, the breakfast takes about 2.5 hours.

Cost: € 63.50 (adult)

6-star lunch menu

If you go for the afternoon menu, you will go around 4 times. The starting point is again at the BergDiamant Panorama restaurant. While enjoying the view, you'll get soup, a middle course and a main course, among other things. Finally, a sweet ending is waiting for you in the mountain restaurant.

Cost: € 86 (adult)

When: In the summer months from mid-June to the end of October

More information on the Genussgondel

Luftseilbahn Weggis - Rigi - Weggis - Switzerland

The floating restaurant, that's how the Luftseilbahn Weggis - Rigi Kaltbad is called. High above the Vierwaldstättersee, you can enjoy a great 3-course menu in the floating restaurant on summer nights. 

During the ride up, the appetiser is served. Then, after a short stop at the Rigi Kaltbad viewpoint, the main course and dessert will be served. You can enjoy these during the ride down. In good weather, you will then also see an unforgettable sunset. How romantic do you want it to be. 

Cost: the cheapest menu costs €132. Please note, prices may vary from year to year.

When: May - September on request

More information on dining at the floating restaurant

Singapore Cable car - Singapore - Singapore

For 2 rounds (1 hour), enjoy the best views of the city of Singapore while dining in the Singapore Cable Car. As you float between Mount Faber and Sentosa island, you'll have plenty of time to enjoy the food and amazing views.

When: Year-round

Cost: from €46

Find out more about the Singapore Delights Dining Experience


The question now is, what will be next? Perhaps before you board, you can place an order for some drinks and something to eat? After all, you are often on the move for a while anyway. Or maybe an overnight stay in a gondola?


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