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Recipe Germknödels

Recipe Germknödel - What is a Germknödel? -

The most delicious Germknödels for at home

In Austria, you will occasionally see Germknödel on the menu, but what exactly is it? And how do I make it at home? A Germknödel is a large dough ball with plum compote in the middle. The ball is steamed and eaten warm with melted butter and a topping of poppy seeds and icing sugar and sometimes also with warm vanilla sauce.

If you have never tried it before I would definitely recommend it! It often suffices as lunch during winter sports or after a brisk mountain hike. Got the hang of it? With this recipe, you can try making it at home too.


Germknödel recipe for 4 persons

  • 250 g flour
  • 3 gr yeast
  • 20 g sugar
  • Grater of half a lemon
  • 120 ml lukewarm milk
  • Half an egg
  • 30 g unsalted butter at room temperature
  • 4 tablespoons plum compote or plum jam


For the poppy seed topping:

  • 3 tablespoons of poppy seeds
  • 3 tablespoons of icing sugar
  • 60 g unsalted room temperature butter



  • steamer
  • baking paper



  1. Put the flour in a bowl.
  2. Cut the butter into small cubes.
  3. To the bowl of flour, add the sugar, yeast, lemon zest, lukewarm milk and diced butter.
  4. Knead until you get a nice cohesive and supple dough.
  5. Form the dough into a ball.
  6. Place this on a dish, cover with a damp tea towel.
  7. Put it away in a warm place (such as over the heater on the windowsill) and leave to rise for half an hour.
  8. Remove the dough from the dish and knead it again.
  9. Divide the dough into 4 equal pieces.
  10. Using a rolling pin, form each piece into a flat round disc.
  11. Spoon a spoonful of plum compote or jam in the centre of each disk.
  12. Fold closed in the shape of a ball and place seam-side down on a piece of baking paper.
  13. Repeat for all pieces of dough.
  14. Place a damp tea towel over the 4 pieces and leave to rise again for half an hour.
  15. Meanwhile, prepare your steamer pan.
  16. Steam the knödels for 15 minutes.
  17. Melt the rest of the butter.
  18. Serve each knödel on a plate with a spoonful of butter and the poppy seed topping on top.


Enjoy your meal!

Tip, also read our Topfenstrudel recipe or our Kaiserschmarrn recipe .