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Thunderstorms in the mountains

Thunderstorms in the mountains - what to do? -

What should you do if you are overwhelmed by thunderstorms?

Mountain weather can be very unpredictable. Because of the mountains, you may not see bad weather coming until you are suddenly in the middle of it. Then if you also don't get to safe shelter quickly, it can be very scary. So what is the best thing to do?

  • Stay calm
  • Find shelter as quickly as possible
  • If that is not possible, descend as far as possible
  • If descending is not possible, put away all metal objects and crouch down
  • When you do not see thunder for 30 minutes, it is safe again

What to do in case of thunderstorms in the mountains

First, it is important to stay calm. The chances of being hit by lightning are very slim, but you have to keep thinking. Count how long it takes to hear the thunder when you see lightning. If there is more than 10 seconds between lightning and thunder, you can still descend. Lightning always looks for the shortest path, so the top of the mountain is the most dangerous place and the cross at the top all the more dangerous. BUT do this carefully and don't run. Follow the footpaths and don't go through open terrain. This is because there you will be the highest point, increasing the chance of impact.
If there is less than 10 seconds between them, you are in the thunderstorm and it is very important to take measures. It is best to seek shelter; a mountain hut with a lightning rod, a car or house in the valley. Do not take shelter under a free-standing tree as this too is a highest point in the area. See no way to descend and no shelter is at hand? Then put all metal objects at a distance and crouch down with your legs together. Stay away from water and metal objects such as fences and pylons of gondolas and ski lifts.
It is safe again when you no longer see lightning or hear thunder for 30 minutes.

Get ahead of thunderstorms

Billowing pile clouds can be a sign that thunderstorms are coming. Clouds that bring severe thunderstorms can be recognised by the shape of a huge anvil. If you see clouds growing in height, it is wise to turn back. Even more convenient is having some handy links/apps on your mobile that can predict the weather better than you can. It is always good to turn around during a long hike if you see threatening clouds.

Swiss rainfall radar

Austrian weather radar

Rainfall radar for France and Germany