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Travelling by car on winter sports: tips and essentials

Travelling by car on winter sports: tips and essentials -

The winter check

Many people go on winter sports by car. But what do you need to take into account? What should you take with you? What about snow chains and winter tyres? For the best preparation, follow these tips.

Winter check

If you are taking your car on a winter trip, it is important to know that it is in good condition. To avoid technical (or electronic) problems with your car en route or at your destination, it is best to have your car checked at the garage. Many garages have a so-called 'winter check' where they look at key components that come under extra stress in winter conditions. The last thing you want is car breakdown abroad. Ask the garage which parts come with a winter check. After all, you want the battery (very important) and tyres checked, the coolant and windscreen fluid topped up with anti-freeze, and the lights, engine oil and windscreen wiper to be checked.

Winter tyres

Do you have winter tyres? In Germany, Austria, France, the Czech Republic and certain parts of Italy, winter tyres are compulsory in winter. So if you are going to drive through or to these countries, your car must have winter tyres. In addition, the tyres must have a minimum tread depth of 4 mm.

Take snow chains with you

If you are going on winter sports by car, I assume you are going to mountainous areas where there is snow and it can be icy. Therefore, always take snow chains with you. Put them in the boot of your car, so you can easily access them the moment you need them. It is best to check at home if the type of snow chains fit your car and when you go to Austria if those chains are up to standard. Remember: with snow chains you may only drive a short distance at lower speed and you have a longer braking distance. Also, you should not put snow chains on all tyres, but on the driven wheels. And don't make the mistake of thinking of the snow chain parking lot (car park where you can put your snow chains on) as an obligation to put the chains on. If they are required, you can tell by the roadside signs (without an explanatory sign underneath).

Needs in the car

When it is freezing, it is important to have a scraper and gloves handy. And to get the snow off your car, a sweeper will come in handy. But besides that, there are some other essentials that are important to have in the car (and not in the roof box). Imagine getting stuck in a traffic jam on the way, or worse; having a breakdown on the road. Then it is important to have the following with you:

  • start-up cables
  • warm blanket(s), hats, scarves and gloves
  • flashlight
  • eat and drink for at least 12 hours
  • passports, destination details and road pass
  • charged power bank, or one that charges on solar energy
  • danger triangle and yellow vests
  • Emergency kit

On the road

Fuel up on time! Above all, do not wait until the last drop of petrol is gone, but fill up when you have a quarter of a tank left. That way, you can let your car idle for a while and keep your heater on should you find yourself in an hour-long traffic jam.

At destination

Take lock defroster with you and make sure not to keep it in the car. In winter temperatures, a lock can freeze and you would rather not break your key.