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Neuschwanstein: the fairytale castle

Neuschwanstein: the fairytale castle in southern Germany -


Between the alps, in the middle of the southern German forests, on top of a mountain you will find the most idyllic fairytale castle in the world: Neuschwanstein Castle. This castle is exactly how you imagine a castle to be. But that's mostly thanks to Walt Disney. What do you know about Neuschwanstein? Read fun facts about Neuschwanstein Castle here.

1. Built for 1 person, visited by millions

The castle was built by King Ludwig (Louis II of Bavaria). This king was extremely shy and had built the castle as a retreat. He had the castle designed as a place of refuge. But six weeks after his death, the castle was opened to the public, mainly to pay off its sky-high debts. It has since become one of Germany's (and also Europe's) biggest tourist attractions. In summer, sometimes 10,000 visitors a day visit the rooms originally built for 1 inhabitant. The king was only able to live in his dream castle for 186 days before he died.

2. A true Disney castle

Walt Disney visited the castle before he started building his first theme park. Neuschwanstein Castle inspired the construction of Sleeping Beauty's castle in the Disney theme parks. Thanks to Disney (and King Ludwig), it is the archetype you have of a castle. When visiting Neuschwanstein, you can be taken to the castle by carriage. This will make you feel like a Disney prince or princess for a while.

3. The castle is built with bricks

Castle of Neuschwanstein looks older than it is. The castle was built in the 19th century and was equipped with electricity. The king's living quarters had central heating, running water and telephones. The base of the walls were plain bricks and the exterior was clad in limestone to give it an authentic look. King Ludwig had a fascination with the Middle Ages, fairy-tale castles and the sets of Wagner's operas. He had the castle designed by a theatre maker and set designer.

4. Neuschwanstein stands on the site of 2 other castles

The name Neuschwanstein refers to the fact that another castle stood on the same spot. Schwan refers to 'swan', the symbol of the region's counts. Swans are also a Christian symbol for purity, something King Ludgwig aspired to. Swans are therefore frequently seen in the decoration of the rooms.

5. Marienbrücke was built before Neuschwanstein

The best view of Neuschwanstein Castle is from the Marienbrücke. But what is remarkable is that this bridge was there before the castle. Maximilian II, Ludwig's father, had built the bridge over the Pöllat Gorge to enjoy the fantastic views of the surrounding mountains and lakes.

6. Insane King Ludwig

The Bavarian king was eventually deposed, with the official reason being that he was insane. There is not much evidence for this. He was indeed exceptional and a recluse, but insane is a bit far-fetched.

7. Between May and October, tickets are sold out before lunchtime

Keep in mind that in summer, tickets are often sold out by morning. If you want to visit the castle in summer, it is wise to buy tickets online in advance.