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Slovenia, pearl of the Alps -

Alpine country on the Adriatic Sea

Slovenia, alpine country on the Adriatic Sea, is surrounded by Italy, Austria, Croatia and Hungary. With just over 2 million inhabitants and an area of 20,000 km2, Slovenia is a relatively small country in central Europe with plenty of space per inhabitant. By comparison, the Netherlands is twice the size and has eight times the population.

Slovenia as we know it today belonged to Austria for a long time. In the 19th century, some parts became part of Italy. In 1918, Slovenia became part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. In 1991, Slovenia became independent after the 10-day war. In 2004, Slovenia joined the European Union and since 2007 you can pay with the Euro in Slovenia. For most people, Slovenia does not really appeal to the imagination and certainly not as an Alpine country, but that is a pity because Slovenia is a great destination for a mountain holiday. You will find the Karawanken and Kamnic Alps in the north, the Julian Alps in the north-west and the Dinaric Alps in the south.

The country's highest mountain, 2864 Triglav is also the national symbol of the country. You can find the Triglav in the flag of Slovenia, among other things . So the mountain has an important status in the country. Every Slovenian is also supposed to climb the Triglav at least once in his life.

Ljubljana, the capital with around 280,000 inhabitants in 2012, is the country's largest city. Despite being a relatively small capital, Ljubljana has many attractions. The Ljubljanski Grad castle, the Stolnica (cathedral), the Skofijski Dvorec (palace) and the Rotovz (town hall) are particularly popular with tourists.

Besides Ljubljana, a visit to the Postojna caves is definitely worthwhile. The caves have a length of 20570 metres, making them the longest caves in Slovenia. It is also the second largest stalactite cave in the world. Visitors are taken by train deep into the cave. In a large hall, the walk through the various caves begins. Each cave is unique and stunning to behold. You will find the most beautiful stalagmites and stalactites. From the beginning to the end of the tour, everything is beautiful. If you visit Slovenia, you should definitely check out these caves.

You can hike around Lake Bohinj, for example. An amazingly beautiful lake, within a national park, which means the shores of the lake are not filled with hotels. The water is crystal clear and when the weather is nice it is great to take a dip. In the mountains surrounding the lake, there are several waterfalls. You have to put in some effort but the reward is sweet. The nice thing about Slovenia is that wherever you are, everything is within driving distance. Today to the beach, tomorrow to Ljubljiana and the day after to see the caves of Postojna.