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The enchanting Konigssee

The enchanting Königssee -

By boat on the Königssee

The Berchtesgadener Land centred on the town of Berchtesgaden. This area has both a dark, and a very beautiful side. The Jenner and the Watzmann, along with many other mountains form an extraordinary hiking paradise with great views. Standing on top of the Jenner, you can see the emerald green Königssee below. The tour boats draw stripes through the smooth water and with their white roofs, they provide a nice contrast against the colour of the lake. This created in me a desire to take a closer look at this spectacle.


It was a warm day and already on time we were at the ticket office to buy a ticket to Salet, the final point of the Königssee. Fortunately, we didn't have to wait long for our boat to leave, but what a fright when you see the little boat and the number of people who all have to come along. Fortunately, you quickly forget the sardonic feeling once the little boat docks. At a leisurely pace, the boat glided silently over the smooth water. Along the way, a guide told us a bit about the lake, the boats and the sights around us. This is how we passed Malerwinkel. A small corner of the lake, from where you could see the little church of St Bartholomä very beautifully. 

Because of the guide we had with us, it was a pleasant party along the way until he suddenly indicated that everyone should be as quiet as a mouse. The boat was stopped and the captain conjured up a trumpet. Raising his head above the roof of the boat, he let his trumpet produce a few clear sounds that after a few seconds, exactly echoed against the rock walls. He repeated this several times, making his playing and the reverberation produce a beautiful piece of music. Everything around us was silent and all that could be heard were the clear sounds of the trumpet. I can say that this was immensely special to witness and in this I was not the only one, because after this demonstration, everyone was silent for the rest of the journey. 

After quietly continuing our journey, we arrived at St Bartholomä. This little spot among the mountains can only be reached by boat and its highlight is the little white church with the red roof. In St Bartholomä you seem to be able to admire the biggest fish caught in the Königssee and here you can also enjoy a delicious fish meal in the local fish restaurant. From here, among other things, a hiking trail leads to the Eiskapelle, a snow and ice field located against the eastern wall of the Watzmann. This snow field is fed by large avalanches that plunge down from the east wall of the Watzmann, every spring. 

In St Bartholomä, quite a few people got off, but we decided to continue straight to Salet. This part of the journey by water was quiet. The guide did not have much more to say and because many people had their destination at the pretty little church, it was nice and quiet in the boat. Our trip took us past several more small waterfalls that did their bit to fill the Königssee with fresh water. Once we arrived at our destination, it seemed as if we had landed in a tropical area. The water was crystal clear and because the lake was surrounded by high mountain walls and lots of greenery, it acted like a bowl. Soon we came to a restaurant, the Saletalm, where it was quite crowded, but a little further on we had spotted a small alm, which was close to the water. For this we had to pass between cows, which were feasting on the fresh grass along the water's edge. Once at the alm, all homemade specialities were waiting for us. So we enjoyed the fresh milk, fresh buttermilk and delicious Käsebrot. I even imagined that it still tasted a bit like cow. So fresh! That the alm had stood still a bit in time was especially noticeable when we visited the toilets. A wooden box with a lid on top. This alm's cows, which provide milk for the fresh produce, are transported across the lake by raft every spring and autumn, which must make for a special picture. Those who do not necessarily want to enjoy luxury, but rather idyll and homemade products, are at the right place at this alm. 

After a good meal, we decided to walk a little further, to the Obersee. This turned out to be a perfect place for swimming guests. From our spot we had a great view over the valley at the end of the lake, where the Fischunkelalm was just in the sunlight. Unfortunately, time was running out and it was time to make our way back to the pier, as the boats stopped making their rounds at 6pm. For St Bartholomä we unfortunately ran out of time, but the idyll of Salet, was definitely worth the trip across the enchanting Königssee!

Want a bite to eat afterwards? Then gasthaus 'Alter Bahnhof' comes highly recommended. The building, which once served as a train station, has now been transformed into a restaurant. The terrace under the trees is a great place to relax and the food is delicious. A perfect place to end your day and enjoy everything you have seen.


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