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Vignette Austria

Vignette Austria -

Motorway vignette Austria

If you are going on vacation to Austria or driving through Austria on your way to your travel destination, do not forget to buy an Autobahnvignet for Austria. To use the motorways in Austria, you must have a valid vignette for Austria. This vignette must be stuck to the inside of the windscreen so that the scanners on the motorways can read it.

Why a vignette for Austria?

Austrian motorways are subject to tolls. To make transit easy, they have introduced the autobahnvignet. This means you don't have to keep stopping at toll booths and can drive through everywhere with ease. A camera system hanging above the motorways checks the validity of the vignettes. If you don't have a vignette for Austria, you risk a high fine. Besides vignettes, there are also tunnels and bridges for which you have to pay a separate toll. If you do not plan to drive on the motorways, you do not need a vignette.

There are autobahn vignettes for cars and for motorbikes. A vignette for motorbikes is slightly cheaper than the one for cars. Types of vignettes:

  • 10-day vignette
  • 2 months vignette
  • 1 year vignette

Costs of a vignette Austria

  • 10-day vignette: €11.50. If you are passing through or staying in Austria for less than 20 days, it is wise to purchase 1 or 2 of these 10-day vignettes for Austria. This is cheaper than buying a 2-month vignette.
  • 2-month vignette: €28.90. If you stay longer than 2 weeks in Austria, it will be cheaper if you buy a 2-month vignette instead of 3 or more 10-day vignettes. 1 autobahn vignette valid for 2 months costs €28.90 while 3 x 10-day vignettes cost €34.50.
  • 1-year vignette: €96.40 If you go on vacation more often or are lucky enough to stay in Austria for more than 7 months, then a 1-year vignette is the best choice.

Vignette Austria choice guide

Vacation duration Vignettes Costs
Transit (outbound only) 1 x 10-day vignette €11.50
Transit (return within 10 days) 1 x 10-day vignette €11.50
Transit (return after 10 days) 2 x 10-day vignette €23.00
vacation 10 days or less 1 x 10-day vignette €11.50
vacation of 20 days or less but longer than 10 days. 2 x 10-day vignette €23.00
vacations longer than 20 days but shorter than 1 month. 1 x 1-month vignette €28.90
stay 2 months 2 x 1-month vignette €57.80
stay 3 months 3 x 1-month vignette €86.70
stay longer than 6 months 1 x 1-year vignette € 96.40

If you plan to go to Austria more often in a year, calculate how often and how long you will stay there. Maybe a vignette for a year will do the trick. Finally, be sensible and buy the Austria vignette / vignettes on time because there will be an immediate check when you cross the border into Austria. If you do not have a vignette, you will be fined and that is obviously a waste of money.