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What is the Almabtrieb?

What is Almabtrieb? Read all about this annual alpine tradition -

An annual tradition in the Alps

In September and October, Almabtrieb is celebrated in various places in the Alps. The cows are brought back to the valley from the alpine pasture after the summer. The cows wear beautiful headdresses and the attendants are often festive and dressed in traditional costumes.

Almauftrieb - with cows up the mountain

When the snow has melted and the alpine meadows are green again, the cows are taken to the alpine pasture. This is the so-called Almauftrieb. It is not exuberantly celebrated. The cows spend the summer on the mountain slopes and can graze off the fresh green grass. In the past, the cows were all brought on foot, but in Austria they are almost all transported by truck. When they reach the alm, the cows are often given a cow bell. The reason for this is so that the farmer hears where his cows are. This is because they are given the freedom to wander over large areas and sometimes one gets lost. By following the sound of the cow bell, the farmer can find the lost cow again. On the alm, farmers work throughout the summer, where they take care of milking and animal welfare. Seasonal workers are often used for this. Working on the alm is pretty hard. Even the cows don't have it easy with the rough mountain landscape and erratic mountain weather. Therefore, every year there is a celebration when the cows return safely to the stables.

Farmer tradition

The Almabtrieb is already a centuries-old festive tradition. It celebrates the safe return of the cows and thanks God for the fruitful summer. The cows are decorated with beautiful headdresses full of flowers and garlands and they wear special cow bells. Every farmer, his family and staff walk along with the livestock, often also dressed festively. Each family decorates one or several cows in its own way. You can tell from the decoration how good the summer has been, the more elaborate, the better. On arrival in the village, there is big celebration. There is music, there are stalls selling local wares and specialities. It really is one of the most festive events of the year. What is true for the headdresses is also true for the celebrations: the more elaborately decorated the cow's headdress is, the more exuberantly the village celebrates.

When is Almabtrieb?

From September to early October, you can experience an Almabtrieb in Austria, Switzerland or France. There are more than 2,000 alms in Tirol, and there is an Almabtrieb to experience every weekend in September. Often the festivities are held on weekends, but be sure to check the website of the village itself for the most up-to-date information. By the way, the Almabtrieb is also called Älperchilbi, Viehscheid or, in French, D'salpe.